George Lang
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  • Entwisted Tongues: Comparative Creole Literatures. Cross/Cultures Series. Amsterdam: Rodopi Editions, 2000.

Atik pibliye

  • Basilects in Creole Literatures: Examples from Sranan, Capeverdian Crioulo and Antillean Kréyol, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, 20.1 (2005), paj 85-99.
  • A primer of Haitian Literature in Kreyòl, Research in African Literature, 35.2 (2004), 128-140.

Yon rezime atik li ekri nan jounal "Research in African Literatures" (A Primer of Haitian Literature in Kreyòl) :

The early history of Haitian Kreyòl remains subject to intense debate among linguists, though there is no doubt it was the principal medium through which slave revolts were organized and the foundations of Haitian culture set. By the end of the nineteenth century there were already significant literary texts, in particular Oswald Durand's “Choucoune” and Georges Sylvian's Cric? Crac! During the thirties and forties, proponents of Kreyòl struggled to have it recognized as the national language and standardized. This process did not bear fruit until the IPN (Institut de pédagogie national) orthography became official in the eighties. Beginning in the fifties, there had already been a renaissance of poetry in Kreyòl, the leading figure of which was Feliks Moriso-Lewa. At least two generations of writers have followed in his footsteps. In the person of Franketyèn, Kreyòl has one of the most fascinating contemporary writers in world literature.

  • Hardly More Intelligible than Chinese Itself: A Brief Account of Chinese Pidgin English, Asian Englishes, [ Tokyo], 3.1 (2000), 21-38.
  • Translation from, to, and within the Atlantic Creoles, TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction, 3.2 (2e 2000), 11-28.
  • Literary Crioulo Since Independence, Luso-Brazillian Review, 33.2 (Winter 1996), 53-63.
  • One Man's Sande: Roger Dorsinville's Photographic Initiation, Research in African Literatures, 26.4 (Fall 1995), 151-167.
  • No hay centro: Postmodernism and Comparative New World Literatures, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 20,1 (mas 1993), 105-124.
  • La Belle Altérité: Towards a Dialogical Paradigm in Translation Theory?, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 19, 1-2 (mas-jen 1992), 237-251.

Chapit nan liv

  • African Literatures in the Year 2050, in Globalizing Africa, ed. M.S. Smith. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2003, 511-516.
  • Cannibalizing Bossa Nova, in Music, Popular Culture, Identities, ed. R. A. Young. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002, 197-213.
  • Gligli et foufou: Mal diglottique, ou vertige polysémique aux Antilles, Atlantic Cross-Currents: Transatlantiques, eds Micheline Rice-Maximim et al. Trenton , NJ: Africa World Press, 2001, 35-47.
  • Chaos and Creoles: Notes on a New Paradigm, in Language Change and Language Contacts in Pidgins and Creoles, ed. John Hamilton McWhorter. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1999, 443-457.
  • Jihad, Ijtihad and Other Dialogical Wars in La Mère du printemps, Le Harem politique, and Loin de Médine, in The Marabout and the Muse, ed. Kenneth W. Harrow. London: Heinemann, 1996, 1-22.



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